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What have teachers and students said about the Red Clover Award Program?

"My students are always excited to show their parents what they've done pertaining to the Red Clover books each year-and they can't wait till it's their turn to bring the books home!"


How can my school or library participate in the program?

Vermont schools with students in kindergarten through fourth grade, public libraries and students who are homeschooled may all participate by ordering the Educator Resource Guide, which contains the guidelines and materials.

If you are not in Vermont, you may still participate in the program. Contact us for details.

There is no need to register. The public or school librarian or a designated teacher may conduct the program for an entire community or school, or a teacher may do the program for his or her classroom only if the rest of the school is not participating.

Here is the program timeline:

  1. The nominees (books published in the previous year) are announced in March.
  2. The Educator Resource Guide is published after May 15 each year.
  3. The teacher/librarian conference takes place in the fall, with the winning author/illustrator invited to attend.
  4. Students begin to read and discuss the nominees.
  5. Votes are due in April, with the winner announced later that month.


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Prices listed are U.S. Domestic prices only and apply to orders shipped within the United States.
Orders from outside the United States must be ordered directly with our company and may be charged additional distributor, customs, and shipping charges.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary due to the availability of books and materials.